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Sycai Technologies
Apr 23, 20212 min de lectura
Artificial Intelligence and Medical Imaging
Artificial intelligence (#AI), through Deep Learning (#DL), allows to analyse a great number of images and extract specific features....
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Sycai Technologies
Apr 23, 20213 min de lectura
Keys for early diagnosis in hereditary pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic cancer (PC) is usually diagnosed at a late stage and the survival rate is often very low. Getting to know risk factors is of...
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Sycai Technologies
Apr 23, 20213 min de lectura
Pancreatic cancer, a highly lethal disease
Pancreatic cancer is a highly fatal disease with less than a 10% of 5-year #survival rate. The high mortality rate is mainly caused by...
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Sycai Technologies
Apr 23, 20213 min de lectura
Pancreatic cystic lesions: Increasingly common incidental findings
Pancreatic cystic lesions are increasingly common incidental findings on abdominal imaging tests. However, the prevalence of pancreatic...
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Sycai Technologies
Apr 22, 20213 min de lectura
How does Machine Learning work: short overview of such powerful technology
Perhaps you have already heard in the news or in your daily work terms like “#deeplearning”, “#machinelearning” or “convolutional neural...
10 visualitzacions0 comentaris
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